Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday Update

Last night they reduced her sedation more, but she did not tolerate it well. So they went back up. The Dr. this morning said she was probably aggitated because the nurses were messing with her. They went back down on sedation this morning and lowered her ventilator setting. So we will see how she tolerates it. I believe she will be fine. If they need to mess with her, they will give her a bolus (one dose) of sedation. They took out the monitors in her head this morning and the nurse said after the procedure, she opened her eyes slightly. She did get some blood last night, but her levels were not that low they just want to stay ahead of the game. Overall she is progressing forward. Thank you all for your encouraging words. They really do help us knowing people are holding us up as well as praying for Ashlyn's complete healing. God bless.


  1. Dear Liz and Todd,
    Thank you for keeping us updated. We feel like we are more a part of what is going on and we know better how to uphold you all in prayer. Sometimes we feel like we are useless but your words gives us something to do, PRAY. Dear LORD Please bless Ashlyn, heal her, in all areas that need healing, even the parts we don't know about yet. Touch your little daughter with your healing hands, hold her and rock her gently in your arms of love. As she comes out of sedation help her remain peaceful, help her to see her parents and know she is safe with them by her side. Please Bless Liz and Todd with an abundance of strength, peace, love, and comfort that only comes from you. Use us to bring these to Todd and Liz. Thank you LORD for the answers to these prayers. Peace and love, the Skinners

  2. Just wanted to let you guys know that I wait anxiously every morning to get the latest update. My heart is glad that so far all we have heard about Ashlyn is progress! " Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness through this time. Lord I call upon the name of Jesus so that everthing that hears the name of Jesus must bow down to his name. So Lord I use the name of Jesus over Ashlyn's bleeding, over her brain injury and any other infirmity trying to take hold in her body. By your stripes Lord we are healed and I am confessing healing over Ashlyn's entire body. Not just a healing to what Ashlyn was before this but for her to be better than she has Ever been! Lord keep your arms of love, comfort and strength around Liz and Todd giving them all they need each day. Thank you Jesus! We praise you for your faithfulness. In Jesus' name Amen.
    I think of you guys everyday. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. Jesus, gave us beauty in

    The oil of joy for

    A garment of praise
    for a spirit of heaviness

    She "IS" a tree of rightousness
    a planting of
    "Our Lord "

    That Jesus, will be glorified!!

  4. Hey Guys...You're so good about keeping everyone updated! I'm glad things are still continuing to go well! I will be praying that she does well as the sedation is lowered again today! Poor Ashlyn, it's soo hard to see you this way...but I am praying (as half of the world seems to be :) soooo hard that you keep staying strong!! I can't explain how GOOD it feels knowing the Lord has you in his hands! He will get you through this! He will get you ALL through this yet again! We're ALWAYS praying and thinking of you!!
    Love Heather

  5. You know, as Liz and Sue were pregnant simultaneously, we often wondered why we got blessed with a healthy child, while the two of you, though equally blessed, had to endure the pregnancy knowing the imminence of surgery and difficulties waiting in every corner. We felt very undeserving, and we were awestruck how you managed to head through every hardship as if it were just one more testimony - one more blessing. Through the course of our two children growing, we became humbled by the spiritual growth and utter determination the two of you learned through the Lord your strength. It is like God's purpose for Ashlyn has already been revealed to you (we pray it has!), and that nothing can swerve you from insisting His purpose is going to come to pass. We envy your strength and devotion to His will, and we pray every day for the fullness of His glory to shine over Ashlyn...healing would seem to be the least of what He plans for her; imagine the lives that will be touched by her wonderful testimony! We know you'll all keep your chins up, God bless you all! Aaron and Sue
