Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Night

Tonight Todd decided to bring the kids up to see Ashlyn. When Preston came in, she didn't want to see him and kept moving her head to the opposite side that he was on. Sure it may be rude, but so wonderful at the same time. She didn't want to see him so she turned her head. She's in there! But then when Todd brought Katelyn in, she started to play with the balloons and Ashlyn gave a big smile. Todd said it was definitely a smile. I would have loved to seen it. We are so encouraged by this. We know that God is going to fully restore her.
The GI tests didn't come back yet, but be praying that she can start keeping her food down. She needs her nutrition to help her heal.

Here are a few pictures from the last few days. God Bless!


  1. Yeah! Rude is good! :) I am so happy for the 'turtle' progress. It is so great to see her awake and her pretty eyes open! Our prayers are with you always.

    Beau, Lenette
    & Girls

  2. Ashlyn loves her little sister doesn't she. I love that she turned her head, I think she did some of that back in October. I miss you all already and I'm sorry I had to go. I am always thinking of you and praying through the day.

    Much love to all the Finns.

  3. What wonderful news!! It's amazing that rudeness can bring such joy to your heart! lol. I'm just sooo grateful things are going in the right direction for you guys. I pray sooo many times a day that Ashlyn continues to make good progress and soon she'll be running around again! I know that God will make this happen!!

    I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow, I will be up, probably late afternoon...early evening! I'm bringing you a "Special Valentine's Day" Dinner! I'm sooo excited to make it for you guys! Your strength is just amazing....and I feel VERY blessed to have you all in my life! Tell Ashlyn I will be up tomorrow to bring her a Valentine from Liam :) I CAN'T WAIT!!
    Love Heather

  4. Hi Liz - As I read your post today the tears just well up within, and then I began to laugh as I thought "typical sibling stuff" how cool is that!!! You must be estatic that you can finally get to hold her - what a beautiful sight. We love you and continue to uphold you continuously - blessings to all - Ellen

  5. Liz and Todd I too am crying this morning reading about how she has responded. It is an answer to our prayers. Thank you God, thank you God. Praise you LORD, Praise you LORD! God loves you and restoring your little angel. I am so very happy for you as well. I never realized how much Ahslyn looks like Preston until now. We will keep praying and Praising our Wonderful God for all the blessings HE is bestowing. Amen! love you, the Skinners

