Friday, June 5, 2009

Pool Time

Swimming in the new pool.
Setting up the new pool.

Wow, have I been lazy with updating my blog. So sorry.

Ashlyn continues to improve each day. She is now consistently putting 2 words together. She can repeat anything I say. Her right hand is getting stronger and stronger as well. She will be starting in home therapy next month and stopping Sunnyview. She may stop going to Sunnyview altogether. We will see.

A big thank you goes out to Ginger, aka Mooie, for the new pool that she bought for the kids. The boys have already been in it twice. Katelyn would love to go in and she doesn't care how cold it is. But of course, it's too cold for me or Todd so she doesn't get to swim in it yet. Ashlyn hasn't been in either. It's too cold for her.

Have and great weekend and thanks for checking in!


  1. so jealous! Wish we had a fun pool to play in! I'm with ya though if the water is too cold I am not going in!

  2. I am soo happy Lil Ashlyn will have this pool to advance her rehab.
    That was our see her swimming like a fishy, using her arms and legs.
    I can't thank God enough for the miracle of life..he has given back to this little girl we love sooo much!!
    All the secrets Jesus had with Addie, are all coming to past!
    ( For God is not a man that he should lie!! )
    Her personality is totally back..she is as cute as ever..

    I am humbled, by God's goodness..and thankful for all the words he spoke through my heart.
    I will never doubt the power of God and the enormous impact he has on the lives of those who call "JESUS" Lord.
    You go my girl..get stronger and stronger..for you will do great and wondrous things you know not of.
    I am just blessed to be a small part of your life.

  3. fun times in the pool! We look forward to using it when we are there! :)

  4. Hey, what a great gift from Ginger. Our Matthew made huge strides with his therapy when we put the pool in. Pool therapy is awesome for strengthening her muscles. You will see great strides in her this summer. Praise God!!!
    love you, The Skinner Clan.
